Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

GESAT experience with MES

As an independent engineering company GESAT offers technical solutions and support our customers with the integration of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), from feasibility studies to implementation and the start of production. During the feasibility study, we examine the existing IT network environments and interfaces to package units, PLS, SPS, SCADA, SAP, in order to allow the best conditions for the implementation of an MES.

GEFASOFT_Legato_Competece_Partner_ExpertWe estimate its production requirements, so that the MES functions can be optimally implemented in their existing or new production plant and the maximum performance of their investment is possible.

An MES communicates with different systems and interfaces, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems (for example SAP).

GESAT experts obtain the most appropriate solution with the individual requirements for our clients.
This also highlights the partnership with company GEFASOFT as competence partner (MES – System Legato).

What provides MES to optimize production process

  • Real-time monitoring of people, equipment and material stocks
  • Develop, manage and execute production schedules
  • Permanent ability to respond to emergency situations
  • Coordinating inventory with new activities and workstations
  • Coordinating material flow with activities and workstations
  • Nuilding a production information bearing
  • Analyze their processes and the production of a higher yield

GESAT helps to define the responsibilities of the different activities/departments in their production and their production management.

Moduls in Legato

Please contact our experts to reach an increased yield in your production plant.